你小時候有沒有覺得你媽很煩,整天碎碎念要你做這個做那個的呢? 聽完下面這首由 Anita Renfroe 自《威廉‧泰爾進行曲 》(William Tell Overture) 填詞改編而成的 The Mom Song (媽媽的嘮叨歌) 後你就不會再覺得那麼孤單了。因為你會發現全世界的媽媽都是一樣的,囉嗦就是她們的共通語言呢!

這段 YouTube 的短片是我的二姐 Josephine 寄給我的,我把它的歌詞外加翻譯放在下面。很好笑,我相信你會喜歡的。

Anita RenfroeAnita Renfroe: What I have done is I have figured out what a mom would say in a 24 hour period, and I have condensed it to 2 minutes, 55 seconds. So strap on your seat belt, here we go.

Anita Renfroe: 我呢,把一個母親在每天二十四小時之內會說的話通通想好了,而且把它們全部濃縮成二分鐘又五十五秒。所以呢,各位把你們的安全帶繫好,我們現在就開始!

The Mom Song (媽媽的嘮叨歌)

Get up now 起來了!
Get up now 起來了!
Get up out of bed! 起床了!
Wash your face 洗個臉!
Brush your teeth 刷個牙!
Comb your sleepyhead 把你的愛睏頭梳一梳。
Here’s your clothes and your shoes 你的衣服鞋子在這裡。
Hear the words I said 聽到我的話沒有?
Get up now! Get up and make your bed 起來了! 起來了! 把你的床鋪好。
Are you hot? Are you cold? 你熱不熱? 冷不冷?
Are you wearing that? 你就穿這樣嗎?
Where’s your books and your lunch and your homework at? 你的書、午餐和功課到哪裡去了?
Grab your coat and gloves and your scarf and hat 你的外套、手套、圍巾跟帽子都帶著。
Don’t forget! You gotta feed the cat 別忘了,你還得餵貓呢!

Eat your breakfast, the experts tell us it’s the most important meal of all 要吃早飯。專家說早餐是三餐中最重要的。
Take your vitamins so you will grow up one day to be big and tall 要吃維他命,這樣你將來才會長得又高又壯
Please remember the orthodontist will be seeing you at 3 today 請記得你今天三點要看牙醫
Don’t forget your piano lesson is this afternoon so you must play 別忘了你下午還有鋼琴課,所以你得彈彈琴

Don’t shovel 別狼吞虎嚥
Chew slowly 要細嚼慢嚥
But hurry 但也要快一點
The bus is here 公車來了
Be careful 小心點
Come back here 過來這邊!
Did you wash behind your ears? 你耳朵後面有沒有洗呢?

Play outside, don’t play rough, will you just play fair? 到外頭去玩,別玩得太粗野。你能不能和人家公平地玩遊戲呢?
Be polite, make a friend, don’t forget to share 要有禮貌,跟人家做朋友,更不要忘了要跟別人分享。
Work it out, wait your turn, never take a dare 好好來,要輪流,絕對不要接受人家的挑戰(做蠢事)。
Get along! Don’t make me come down there 要和睦相處,別讓我下去(幫你處理事情)
Clean your room, fold your clothes, put your stuff away 整理你的房間,把衣服折好,東西通通放回去
Make your bed, do it now, do we have all day? 把床鋪好。現在就去! (怎麼樣?) 我們是今天整天都沒別的事要做了嗎?
Were you born in a barn? Would you like some hay? 【俚語】你是在牛棚裡出生的嗎? (怎麼老忘了要關門呢?) 要不要我給你一些乾草(吃)?
Can you even hear a word I say? 你到底聽不聽到我跟你講的話啊?

Answer the phone! Get off the phone! 去接電話! 別再講電話了!
Don’t sit so close, turn it down, no texting at the table 不要坐得離電視那麼近,電視關小聲一點,不要在桌上傳簡訊
No more computer time tonight! 今天晚上不能再上電腦了
Your iPod’s my iPod if you don’t listen up 如果你不給我好好地聽著,你的 iPod 等一下就(沒收)變我的了

Where are you going and with whom and what time do you think you’re coming home? 你要去哪裡? 跟誰去? 要做什麼? 你想你幾點會回來呢?
Saying thank you, please, excuse me makes you welcome everywhere you roam 要說請、謝謝跟對不起,這樣你才會無論走到哪裡都受人家的歡迎。
You’ll appreciate my wisdom someday when you’re older and you’re grown 等有一天你長大後就會感激我的智慧(金言)。
Can’t wait till you have a couple little children of your own 真是迫不及待哪天你也有了自己的孩子。

You’ll thank me for the counsel I gave you so willingly 你會很心甘情願地感謝我給你的這些忠告。
But right now I thank you not to roll your eyes at me 但是現在呢,你如果不給我翻白眼我就謝謝你啦!

Close your mouth when you chew, would appreciate 如果你吃飯時能不張口的話我將不勝感激
Take a bite maybe two of the stuff you hate 即使是最討厭吃的東西也請給我吃個一、二口
Use your fork, do not burp or I’ll set you straight 用叉子吃,別打飽嗝,不然我得好好地給你糾正一下。
Eat the food I put upon your plate 把我放在你盤子裡的菜都吃掉!
Get an A, get the door, don’t get smart with me (成績)要拿 A,去開門,別跟我耍聰明!
Get a grip, get in here, I’ll count to three 控制一下自己,給我進來,我要數到三了!
Get a job, get a life, get a PHD 找份工作做,別無所事事,念個博士學位來!
Get a dose of (reality) 現實人生就是這樣!

“I don’t care who started it! 我不管是誰先的!
You’re grounded until you’re 36″ 你要被禁足關到你三十六歲。
Get your story straight and tell the truth for once, for heaven’s sake 看在上天的份上,你給我一五一十地坦白說出來!
And if all your friends jumped off a cliff would you jump, too? 如果你的朋友都從懸崖上跳下去了,難道你也跟他們一起跳嗎?
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said at least a thousand times before 如果 (你覺得) 我這句話已經說過一次了,我其實已經說過至少一千次了。
That you’re too old to act this way 那就是,你都這麼大了,不應該還表現這個樣子。
It must be your father’s DNA 這一定是來自你老爸的遺傳!
Look at me when I am talking 我跟你說話的時候你要看著我
Stand up straighter when you walk 走路時要抬頭挺胸
A place for everything and everything must be in place 每個東西都有該擺放存在的位置,所以每個東西都要把它擺回去。
Stop crying or I’ll give you something real to cry about 你最好別再給我哭了,不然我等一下就給你好看,讓你哭個夠!
Oh! 噢!

Brush your teeth, wash your face, put your PJs on 刷個牙,洗個臉,把你的睡衣換好來!
Get in bed, get up here, say a prayer with mom 上床去,到這兒來,跟媽咪一起作個禱告
Don’t forget, I love you 別忘了,我愛你
♥ Kiss ♥ (親親)
And tomorrow we will do this all again because a mom’s work never ends 明天這一切我們都要重新來過一遍,因為媽媽的工作是永遠做不完的。
You don’t need the reason why 你不需要知道理由。
Because, because, because, because 因為,因為,因為,因為呢?
I said so, I said so, I said so, I said so 我叫你這麼做,我叫你這麼做,我叫你這麼做,我叫你這麼做
I’m the mom, the mom, the mom, the mom, the mom!!

Ta da!!! 完畢!

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