I’m finding myself at a loss for words 我發現此刻的我不知道該說什麼才好
And the funny thing is it’s okay 可笑的是,這竟無所謂
The last thing I need is to be heard 我完全不需要被傾聽
But to hear what You would say 只想聽到祢會如何對我說
Word of God speak 神的話語
Would You pour down like rain 能否如雨水傾盆而降
Washing my eyes to see 洗淨我的雙眼
Your majesty 讓我看見祢的至高尊貴
To be still and know 讓我心安靜
That You’re in this place 明白祢就在此
Please let me stay and rest 讓我在祢的聖潔裡
In Your holiness 安歇長住
Word of God speak 神的話語
I’m finding myself in the midst of You 我發現自己在祢裡面
Beyond the music, beyond the noise 超越了音樂,超越了喧嘩
All that I need is to be with You 我所需要的只是與祢同在
And in the quiet hear Your voice 在安靜中聽到祢的聲音
I’m finding myself at a loss for words 我發現此刻的我不知道該說什麼才好
And the funny thing is it’s okay 可笑的是,這竟無所謂