何芮蕭 ‧ 斯巴弗 (Horatio G. Spafford) 是芝加哥的一個很有前途的律師,投資了許多房產。
1871 年,他四歲的獨生子因猩紅熱 (scarlet fever) 喪生。幾個月後,著名的芝加哥大火 (Great Chicago Fire, 1871) 又奪走了他所有的財富。二年後 (1873 年),斯巴弗本來計劃要和妻女一同去歐洲度假,不過因為臨時有事,他只好讓妻子 Anna 帶著他們的四個女兒 Annie,Maggie,Bessie 和 Tanetta 先行而去。可是在大西洋途中,妻女所搭的蒸汽船 Ville du Havre 卻與另一艘鐵船相撞,四個女兒全部喪生,只有妻子存活。就在前往英格蘭,四個女兒遇難的地點的途中,斯巴弗寫下了 It Is Well with My Soul 《我心靈得安寧》這首非常著名的詩歌。
很多人即使擁有很多,生命中仍缺乏喜悅和安寧,斯巴弗為什麼能在喪失一切後還能說「我心靈得安寧」呢? 願朋友們能及早認識這位賜予我們生命的神,隨時隨地無時無刻地將一切交托給祂,也享有心靈裡真正的安寧。
It Is Well with My Soul【我心靈得安寧】 |
詞: Horatio Gates Spafford / 曲 : Philip Bliss |
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way 有時享平安,如江河又平穩 |
When sorrows like sea billows roll 有時憂傷來似浪滾 |
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say 不論何環境,主已教導我說 |
It is well, it is well with my soul 我心靈得安寧,得安寧。 |
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come 撒但雖來侵,眾試煉雖來臨 |
Let this blest assurance control 但有福確據在我心 |
That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate 基督已顧念,我乏助之困境 |
And hath shed His own blood for my soul. 甘流血救贖我,賜安寧 |
(副歌) It is well (it is well) 我心靈 (我心靈) |
with my soul (with my soul) 得安寧 (得安寧) |
It is well, it is well with my soul 我心靈,得安寧,得安寧 |
And, Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight 求主快再來,使我親眼看見 |
the clouds be rolled back as a scroll 雲彩將捲起在主前 |
the trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend 號筒聲吹響,主再臨掌權柄 |
even so, it is well with my soul 願主來!我心靈,必安寧。 |
(副歌) It is well, it is well with my soul. 我心靈,得安寧,得安寧。 |
(註) 這首詩歌原有四段,不過我發現影片的剪輯者把第三段刪掉了。我把它的歌詞補在下面:
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought 回看我眾罪,全釘在十架上
My sin, not in part but the whole 每念此,衷心極歡暢,
is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more 主擔我重擔,何奇妙大恩情
praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul 讚美主!我心靈,得安寧。