請投票贊成 8 號傳統婚姻提案 Vote YES to Proposition 8
2008 年11月4日加州大選10月20日選民註冊截止。請支持一男一女傳統婚姻,保護孩子的婚姻觀念不被誤導。鼓勵你的親朋好友、鄰居和同事投票支持。
◎ 選民註冊材料可在網上下載
◎ 也可在當地圖書館和郵局找到Vote YES to Proposition 8
The deadline to register to vote in the Nov. 4 election is Oct.20.
Protect the traditional and historical institution of marriage as a union of man and woman.
Get out and encourage your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to vote YES to Proposition 8.
◎ Voter registration forms are available on-line at
◎ You can also pick up a voter registration form at your County Elections Office, library, or U.S. Post Office.